Pursuant to the Law 34/2002 dated the 11th of July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, please be informed that the company that owns this Website is VILLA PADIERNA ESTATE, S.L. with business address in Urb. Villa Padierna Golf Resort, Ctra. de Cádiz Km. 166 – 29679 Benahavís (Malaga), with TIN: B – 86.654.142. It is registered in the Companies Register of Malaga, in Volume 2816, Book 1729, Page 144, Section 8, Sheet MA-49.690.
The data privacy policy of our Company has been implemented pursuant to the provisions established in the Law of the Protection of Personal Data and the Regulation EU 2016/679. If an email is sent to the address stated in it or a form that obtains data is filled in, we would like to inform you that the personal data that you provide us with will be recorded in the processing activities register that VILLA PADIERNA ESTATE, S.L. is in charge of in order to inform you, after you give your consent, about:
- Dealing with your enquiry or request for information and provide you with the different real estate consultancy services.
- Maintain a business relationship, as well as to send by any means, including email or other equivalent electronic communication media, advertising or promotional messages about products or services provided by the Villa Padierna Group, having obtained your consent beforehand.
VILLA PADIERNA ESTATE, S.L. is entitled to process personal data on the grounds that:
The data shall be kept for as long as it is necessary to attain the objectives for which the data was obtained.
Data storage criteria: the data shall be kept for the legally established time period, while there is a mutual interest to process the data and when it is no longer necessary for such purposes, for as long as there is a contractual relationship, as long as the interested party does not ask to have the data removed or it must be deleted to comply with a legal obligation or to file, exercise or defend claims. It shall be removed using the appropriate security measures to guarantee the pseudonymization of the data or it shall be totally destroyed.
If the User withdraws their consent or exercises their rights to cancel the processing of their data or have it removed, their personal data will be blocked and only be available for the Justice Administration for the legally established time periods to assume any possible responsibilities arising from the processing of the data. After that it shall be removed using the appropriate security measures to guarantee the pseudonymization of the data or it shall be totally destroyed.
VILLA PADIERNA ESTATE, S.L. is entitled to process personal data on the grounds that:
The forwarding on of personal data that is mentioned hereinafter is necessary for the aforesaid purposes and also to be able to provide you with the services mentioned, or it is passed on in compliance with a legal obligation. The personal data might be passed on to:
VILLA PADIERNA ESTATE, S.L. Other companies belonging to the Villa Padierna Group. The Public Authorities and the Justice Administration. The suppliers of computer services, even the “cloud computing” services.
The users / clients can exercise their rights to access, rectify or remove their personal data, restrict the processing of it, oppose, transfer or object to automated individual decisions before VILLA PADIERNA ESTATE, S.L. and companies from the Group. Moreover, they can withdraw their consent if they have given it for any specific purpose and modify their preferences at any given time.
These rights can be exercised by sending an email to legal@villapadiernapalacehotel.com or by sending a letter to the following address: Urb. Villa Padierna Golf Resort, Ctra. De Cádiz Km 166 – 29679 Benahavís (Malaga). Users are also informed that they can file any type of claim concerning the protection of personal data to the Spanish Data Protection Agency (www.agpd.es), the supervisory authority of the Spanish state.
Nuestras empresas no recabarán ni tratará datos personales de menores de 16 años, sin dar pleno cumplimiento a los requisitos establecidos en la normativa aplicable de protección de datos y el Reglamento UE 679/2016. El tratamiento de los datos personales de un niño se considerará lícito cuando tenga como mínimo 16 años. Si el niño es menor de 16 años, tal tratamiento únicamente se considerará lícito si el consentimiento lo dio o autorizó el titular de la patria potestad o tutela sobre el niño, y solo en la medida en que se dio o autorizó.
If the data supplied is about a third party, the User guarantees that they have informed the third party about this Privacy Policy and they have obtained their authorisation to supply their data to VILLA PADIERNA ESTATE, S.L. and companies of the group for the aforesaid purposes. They also guarantee that the data provided is up-to-date and accurate and they shall be held responsible for any damage or loss, direct or indirect, caused as a result of not complying with this obligation.
When you access and use the free WI-FI network you must be aware that this network is operated by a third party, which means that it is important that you read, understand and accept the terms and conditions and the privacy policy, to use it. If you do not agree with this rule, you cannot use this service.
As established in the Regulation EU 2016/679, the clear consent shall be requested from certain candidates when they provide us with their data and they shall be informed about what it is going to be used for. For this reason, we shall provide them with clear and concise information and tell the candidate that they can ask for a copy of their data, which shall be supplied in a structured format.
With regard to keeping the data, we shall only keep the data that is up-to-date, which means that if there are any CVs that have not been updated in the last 24 months, they shall be deleted or blocked so that they cannot be read. Our companies have complied with a strict privacy policy for quite a few years concerning the data about individuals who have sent us their curriculum vitae. The purpose of processing data is to deal with a job application and organise the possible selection process, which might include taking part in different selection tests.
We therefore inform candidates that their data will be stored on a file that might be passed on to companies of the group, temp agencies or other recruitment agencies, so that they can then take part in the subsequent staff selection processes. If the data has been modified in any way, we ask candidates to inform us of this in writing. If a user does not object in writing within 30 days, it shall be assumed that they have given their consent for us to process their data as aforementioned. If you would like to work with us please send us your CV to this address seleccion@hotelvillapadierna.com
All the content included in the Website and in particular the brands, trade names, industrial designs, designs, texts, photographs, graphs, logos, icons, software or any other signs that might be used for industrial or commercial purposes are protected by the existing law on industrial and intellectual property and they are owned by VILLA PADIERNA ESTATE, S.L. or the companies belonging to the Villa Padierna Group.
It is therefore prohibited to use and/or reproduce any of the aforementioned without obtaining the clear consent first from the owner, VILLA PADIERNA ESTATE, S.L. It shall not be held responsible for any violation of the intellectual or industrial property rights committed by third parties due to the inclusion on the Website of their brands, trade names, industrial designs, patents, designs, texts, photographs, graphs, logos, icons or software that do not belong to VILLA PADIERNA ESTATE, S.L. or companies belonging to its Group, if they stated that they are the owners of these when they were included in the Website. Users must use the content of the Website in a diligent, correct and legal manner and agree to refrain from:
Pursuant to the Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE) and its amendments of the Royal Decree-law 13/2012, dated the 30th of March, which concerns the use of cookies and sending advertising via email, in accordance with the European Directive 2009/136/EC and in order to guarantee your privacy, please be informed that we use cookies and other similar mechanisms on our website that enable us to make it easier to use and browse around the website, guarantee access to certain functions and additionally, we help to improve the quality of the page in accordance with your browsing habits and styles.
Cookies are not computer viruses, they do not damage your computer nor do they slow it down and you can delete them at any time or reject them by configuring the browser that you use. In general our website only uses technical cookies, which are only intended to let the user browse around the website, strictly necessary cookies, to provide a service that has been specifically requested by the user and cookies that cannot identify the user.